Thank you to all the contributors who have helped improve this project. If you would like to contribute, please see the guidelines below.
Contributors Table
How to Contribute
If you’d like to contribute to this project, please follow these guidelines:
Fork the Repository:
- Fork the repository to your own account to make changes without affecting the main repository.
Create a Branch:
- Create a new branch for your changes. Use a descriptive branch name related to your work. Example:
or fix/resolve-bug
Development and Testing:
- Make necessary changes and test them locally before submitting a pull request.
Commit and Commit Messages:
- Commit frequently with clear, descriptive messages. Use commit messages that clearly explain what has been changed and why.
Pull Request (PR):
- Submit a pull request to the main repository. Clearly describe the changes made and their purpose in the PR description.
- If possible, include information on how to test your changes and any dependencies or requirements.
Review and Feedback:
- Be open to feedback and review comments during the pull request review. Make necessary changes as requested.
Clean Code and Documentation:
- Keep the code clean and follow best coding practices. Update documentation if your changes affect the functionality or configuration of the project.
Resolve Conflicts:
- Resolve any merge conflicts before submitting the pull request. Ensure your branch is up-to-date with the main branch of the repository.
License and Credits:
- By contributing, you agree that your changes will be licensed under the same license as the original project. Ensure all your contributions are properly credited.
Behavior and Collaboration:
- Maintain respectful and collaborative behavior with other community members. Contributions should be made constructively and positively.
Special Thanks
- EvolveDB: EvolveDB for the excellent open-source database migration tool.